Dental Veneer

A dental veneer is a layer of tooth-coloured material which is attached to and covers the surface of a tooth. They are usually made of porcelain or composite resin. Composite resin veneers can be built up directly on to the tooth, while porcelain veneers are made in the laboratory and are later glued (bonded) onto the tooth. The Brownfield dentist in Brownfield is conveniently located near to the Brownfield Sport Complex and Coleman Park is the best option available for dental veneer . To fit a veneer, the tooth will need a very small amount of enamel removed from its surface. This is usually completely pain free. A digital scan (yes, no more of the old-fashioned, uncomfortable moulds are taken) will be made of the tooth. The dentist will also record the colour that the new veneer will need to be to mat...