The Facts about Sedation Dentistry.

Are you afraid to go to the dentist? Are dental visits unpleasant for you, no matter how painless the procedures are, and how many concessions are made to try and make you comfortable? If this sounds like you, we have a great solution: sedation dentistry. We can provide three different levels of sedation, with the lowest being a mild sedative and the highest being sleep dentistry, in which you are given a sedative that renders you totally unconscious. A lot of Americans avoid trips to the dentist and some put off work altogether because they can’t stand going to the dentist. The Texas City Dental in Texas City is conveniently located near t La Marque, Galveston, and Hitchcock area is conveniently located near to the HEB, and the ROSS market complex is a low-cost dental office and is the best option available near you. 
  1. Minimal Sedation: It involves giving you an oral sedative that allows you to be fully conscious of what is going on around you. You are able to breathe normally and all of your bodily functions will remain normal. This is combined with the local anesthetic that “numbs” the area we are going to work on. While you will remain conscious, you may not remember everything. 
  2. Moderate Sedation: A stronger sedative is given, sometimes orally, and sometimes by IV. The sedative is stronger than the one used in minimal sedation. You will be awake and you will be able to respond to verbal commands and to touch. As in minimal sedation, you can breathe on your own and your bodily functions will not be changed.
  3. Deep Sedation or Sleep Dentistry: Sleep dentistry is as it sounds. The sedative puts you to sleep. You are unconscious while the work is being done. You may need assistance breathing at deeper levels of sleep dentistry. This is the best way for people who really, really don’t want to go to the dentist.
Call us at (409) 419-2222 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

3448 Palmer Hwy
Texas City TX
                                         Taking Care Of Your Oral Health In Self Isolation

During self-isolation, make sure you are well prepared to care for your oral health. The pandemic is disrupting every area of our lives are currently, including physical activity. We can no longer simply go for a walk, visit the gym or play team sports, while the temptation is to sit at home and spend more time on the couch. However, physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing a serious disease

Toothbrush Hygiene
Keep safe by making sure nobody uses each other’s toothbrushes and that they are stored well away from everybody else’s toothbrush. The damp environment of a toothbrush is ideal for spreading viruses. Use separate toothpaste as well.

Continue with Your Normal Oral Care Routine
Sticking to every day routines is important while self-isolating and particularly your dental maintenance routine. Make sure you continue to brush at least twice a day and floss once-a-day. If you wish, use a mouthwash for 30 seconds as this can slightly reduce the risk of spreading viruses.

Watch Your Diet
It’s a time when it’s tempting to indulge in snacks and Netflix, but try to limit your consumption of sugary or acidic foods. Instead, concentrate on eating foods that will boost your immune systems like vitamin-rich and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.

Stay Active
Make sure you have some form of physical activity every day. If you can’t get outside, there are plenty of fun exercise routines online.

Drink Water
It is easy to become dehydrated and especially if you are fighting an infection. Some medications can reduce saliva flow too, so be sure to drink plenty of water.


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